List of TPR Storytelling resources

This is a list of teaching materials developed for use with TPR Storytelling. They are divided up into TPRS manuals, TPRS textbooks, textbook supplements, easy readers, and audio books.


TPRS manuals

These are teaching manuals for TPR Storytelling, and may contain information on methods, skills, and language acquisition theory.

TPR Storytelling teaching manuals
Year Author(s) Title Publisher Notes Ref.
2008 Blaine Ray, Contee Seely Fluency through TPR storytelling: Achieving Real Language Acquisition in School, 5th Edition Command Performance Language Institute A general introduction to TPR Storytelling ISBN 0-929724-21-6
2008 Ben Slavic TPRS in a Year! Blaine Ray Workshops A guide to working on various TPRS skills OCLC 461311718
Ben Slavic PQA in a Wink! Blaine Ray Workshops A guide to working on the skill of PQA [1]

TPRS textbooks

These are textbooks with lesson plans for use with TPR Storytelling. TPRS lesson plans usually take the form of story scripts, with suggestions for how to use them in class. They will also typically have illustrations that go with each story.

Lesson plans made for use with TPR Storytelling
Year Author(s) Available languages Title Publisher Resources Notes Ref.[2]
Blaine Ray English, Spanish, French, German Look, I Can Talk! Sky Oak Publications Student text, student workbook, teacher's guide, extended readings, overhead transparencies, vocab lists and tests, activity masters Level 1 textbook ISBN 1-56018-459-0
Blaine Ray English, Spanish, French, German Look, I Can Talk More! Sky Oak Publications Student text, student workbook, teacher's guide, extended readings, overhead transparencies, vocab lists and tests, activity masters Level 2 textbook ISBN 1-56018-489-2
Blaine Ray English, Spanish, French Look, I’m Really Talking! Sky Oak Publications Student text, student workbook, teacher's guide, extended readings, overhead transparencies, vocab lists and tests, activity masters Level 3 textbook [3]
Blaine Ray English, Spanish, French, German Look, I'm still talking! Sky Oak Publications Student text, student workbook, teacher's guide, extended readings, overhead transparencies, vocab lists and tests, activity masters Level 4 textbook. The German version is for level 3. [3]
Amy Catania English, Spanish, French Fantastic Stories Good Teaching Stuff Publishing Teacher edition, student edition Level 1 and level 2 books available [4]
Elizabeth Skelton, Denise Milligan English, Spanish Putting It Together Student book, teacher's guide Aimed at ESL learners OCLC 22239204
Anne Matava English Story Scripts Vol. I Teacher's guide A collection of story scripts [1]
May and Kimura Japanese Japanese in Action Student book, teacher manual including picture cards Level 1 textbook [3]
Michael Miller German Sabine und Michael Teacher's book, blackline masters, student workbook, a CD of songs, an easy novel. Available for levels one and two. ISBN 978-0-9743522-1-3
Michele Threlkeld French Contes Historiques : A Collection of T.P.R. Stories Teacher's Discovery Teacher's guide Level 3 textbook for teaching French history. OCLC 54752638
Carol Gaab French, Spanish Hi Kids! Teacher's notes, reproducible student pages, transparencies, illustrations Aimed at students from kindergarten to 3rd grade elementary
Valeri Marsh, Christine Anderson, Carol Gaab English, French, Spanish Tell Me C. W. Publishing Games and activities manual, test materials, overheads, blackline masters, daily readings, music Introductory. Aimed at 5th grade elementary and younger.
Valeri Marsh, Christine Anderson, Carol Gaab English, French, Spanish Tell Me More C. W. Publishing Games and activities manual, test materials, overheads, blackline masters, daily readings, music Introductory. Aimed at 7th grade and up. OCLC 46388536
Valeri Marsh, Christine Anderson, Carol Gaab English, French, Spanish Tell Me Even More C. W. Publishing Games and activities manual, test materials, overheads, blackline masters, daily readings, music Level 2. Aimed at 8th grade and up.
Jalen Waltman English, Spanish Complete Lesson Plans for TPRS (2005 ed.) Teacher's guide Level 1a, 1b [5]
Jalen Waltman Spanish Complete Lesson Plans for TPRS (2009 ed.) Teacher's guide Levels 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b [5]
2002 Carol Gaab, Kristy Placido Cuéntame Más!: TPR Storytelling (3rd ed.) TPRS Publishing ISBN 9789990155150
2005 Carol Gaab, Kristy Placido The New Cuentame Mas! Varsitybooks ISBN 9789990155150
2005 Todd McKay English, Spanish, French TPR Storytelling Sky Oaks Productions Teacher's manual, student book, testing packet, video demo, TPR cards, transparencies Level 1-3. Aimed at elementary to middle school students. ISBN 1-56018-034-X

Textbook supplements

These are supplements for traditional textbooks so that they can be used with TPR Storytelling.

TPRS Supplements for traditional textbooks
Year Author(s) Language Textbook Publisher Notes Ref.
Jason Fritze Spanish En Español McDougal Littell Levels 1-3
Spanish Exprésate Holt Levels 1-3
Schmidt and Polito Spanish Navegando EMC / Paradigm Levels 1-3
Karen Rowan Spanish Paso a Paso Prentice Hall Levels 1,2
Piedad Gutierrez Spanish Avancemos McDougal Littell Levels 1-3. The supplement is named "TPRS Avancemos".
French C'est a Toi EMC / Paradigm Levels 1-3
French Discovering French McDougal Littell Level 1

Easy readers

These are easy reading material in the language that is being learned. Teachers may use them in class for reading lessons, for free voluntary reading, or for homework reading. They are a kind of graded reader that have been made specifically for use with TPR Storytelling.

Easy readers made for use with TPR Storytelling
Year Author(s) Language Title Publisher Ref.
2007 Blaine Ray English Poor Ana Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-51-8
1999 Blaine Ray Spanish Pobre Ana (Poor Ana) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-47-X
2000 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray French Pauvre Anne (Poor Anne) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-54-2
2001 Blaine Ray German Arme Anna (Poor Anna) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-62-3
2007 Blaine Ray English Patricia Goes to California Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-65-8
2001 Blaine Ray Spanish Patricia Va a California (Patricia Goes to California) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-50-X
2002 Blaine Ray French Fama va en Californie (Fama Goes to California) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-63-1
2003 Blaine Ray German Petra Reist Nach Kalifornien (Petra Goes to California) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-81-X
2007 Veronica Moscoso English The Eyes of Carmen Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 1-60372-020-0
2005 Veronica Moscoso Spanish Los Ojos de Carmen (The Eyes of Carmen) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-92-5
1998 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray Spanish Casi Se Muere (He Almost Dies) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-43-7
2002 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray French Presque Mort (He Almost Dies) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-70-4
2003 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray German Fast Stirbt Er (He Almost Dies) Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-75-5
2000 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray Spanish El Viaje De Su Vida Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-49-6
2001 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray French Le Voyage De Sa Vie Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-58-5
2003 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray German Die Reise Seines Lebens Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-78-X
2000 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray Spanish Viva El Toro Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-48-8
2002 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray Spanish Donde esta Eduardo? Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-69-0
2005 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray French Ou est passe Martin? Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-91-7
2003 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray Spanish Mi Propio Auto Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-74-7
2004 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray French Ma Voiture, a Moi Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-90-9
2004 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray German Mein eigenes Auto Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-89-5
2008 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray Spanish El Viaje Perdido Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-59-3
2002 Lisa Ray Turner, Blaine Ray French Le Voyage Perdu Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 0-929724-68-2
Spanish La maldición de la cabeza reducida TPRS Publishing [6]
Kristy Placido Spanish Robo en la noche TPRS Publishing [6]
Mira Canion, Carol Gaab Spanish Piratas del Caribe y el mapa secreto TPRS Publishing [6]
Mira Canion, Carol Gaab French Pirates français des Caraïbes TPRS Publishing [6]
Carol Gaab Spanish El nuevo Houdini TPRS Publishing [6]
Mira Canion Spanish Rebeldes de Tejas TPRS Publishing [6]
2010 Carol Gaab Spanish Problemas en paraíso TPRS Publishing [6]
2009 Karen Rowan Spanish Las aventuras de Isabela Command Performance Language Institute ISBN 0-9824687-0-9
2009 Patricia Verano, Verónica Moscoso, Blaine Ray Spanish Pobre Ana bailó tango Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops ISBN 978-0-929724-45-4


The following are TPR Storytelling lessons in audio format.

TPR Storytelling Audio
Year Author(s) Language Title Publisher Ref.
2007 Ben Slavic French Bucky Va à Paris! (Bucky goes to Paris) [1]
2010 Ben Slavic Spanish ¡Bucky Va a Mexico! (Bucky goes to Mexico) [1]


  1. ^ a b c d Available at Ben Slavic's website.
  2. ^ Individual workbooks and textbooks may have their own ISBN numbers.
  3. ^ a b c Available at Blaine Ray's website.
  4. ^ Available at Amy Catania's website.
  5. ^ a b Available at Jalen Waltman's website.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g Available at the TPRS Publishing website.

See also